Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Well, just a little update to say we are still alive. The children and I made it out to Colorado. It has been fun, with a lot of adjusting with the kids. We have had to help Brody understand that this is his new home and he still has to obey and follow rules, just because grandma and grandpa are here he is not always going to get his way. So we have had many tantrums the kind he falls to the ground and screams and cries. I love it. It does make me laugh. He is starting to even do them as we walk into church. That is fun. Camilla went to her crib when we moved here and surprisingly enough she is doing rather well. She is sleeping pretty regularly during the nights and I am grateful for that. Camilla is really starting to laugh and smile so much. Brody can get her to laugh, so we all end up just laughing. LOVE IT!!!! Mike is still out in Utah he leaves on the 23rd of this month and we can't wait. He was able to come out for the holiday weekend and was able to celebrate Brody's 2nd birthday with us. So here is a little just to catch up, we will post pictures and more at a later time.

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