Monday, June 7, 2010

The Move to Colorado Springs

The move to Colorado Springs went pretty smoothly. My nieces Tayloranne and Mallory came out with my dad to help with the kids. My dad and my nieces came out on a Thursday, we packed the cars that night and left early Friday morning. We were grateful for all of our friends and family that came and helped us out that night. And also happy we were able to say our good byes. We were able to fit everything that was necessary and some extras, like my scrapbooking and craft stuff, all in my dads van. It worked out that the girls took turns sitting with the kids in our car and keeping dad company in his. The kids were good on the drive, I am so grateful for that. We got settled a little on Friday when we arrived at my parents and then finished on Saturday. Mike stayed until Monday night and then hopped on a plane to go home. It was a crazy weekend and an even crazier couple of few weeks trying to get Brody and Camilla in their new routine. Oh and I forgot to remind Mike to keep the camera out so I could take pictures along the trip. But, because I forgot to remind him, he packed it and I did not get any pictures. Oh well, we will survive! I'm glad it's done for me. Mike now has to pack and get all the rest of our stuff out here later this month. So much fun for him. At least there are no kids to slow him down. He won't have to stop every three hours to feed a growing baby.

1 comment:

The Lee Clan said...

I can't wait to meet Camilla, and see how big Brody has gotten. Glad to know that I am not the only late night poster. Love you!