Friday, June 17, 2011

Catch up time!!!

Well we have lots that have been going on!!! So I have not been the best at keeping up the blog, if you have not noticed!

Mike is working on finding a new job, he just found out that the doctors he works for are getting out of the medical group they are in and cutting down how many patients they will see and in turn cutting down staff. They will also not be giving health insurance, so we have decided it be best that he find a better more stable job, one that will hopefully be less stress! He has had a few interviews so we hope one will work out. He is also really wanting to be done with school, he only has 4 more classes and has is often called senioritis. But he is finishing strong and will be finished in Dec. We are so excited!!!!

I am enjoying my life being a mom and finding little things to do! My new hobby this time is crocheting. I have found it very fun and sometimes relaxing. If anybody knows anything about my mother she is absolutely elated! She has always wanted one of her girls to pick up knitting or crocheting. I am glad I can help her dream come true!!! I also have a summer job, I feel like a college student that is so excited about getting a summer job for extra money! It was funny how I ended up getting the job, I was having problems understanding how I can get my CEU's to keep up my certificate so I can continue being a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist, so if I ever need or want to work I can. So I went to the city of Colo. Spgs. Therapeutic Rec department asking for help on this and we talked and then asked if I wanted to be interviewed for a job. I said sure. So I got a job as director for a summer camp for children with developmental disabilities. I have worked for a week and just love it! I have a new BFF, and she happened to tell me that I was "as cool as ICCCCCCCE"! Love it! So I think I will be using that saying often!

What can I say I just love being a mom and wife doing fun things with my family who also make me laugh and keep me on my toes. They make me happy when I walk in the door and they come running to me so happy to see me.

Brody is still growing like a weed and he just keeps getting taller and taller! He has finally hit his terrible twos, but the problem with that is he is three, so I call it the terrible threes! He has mood swings that really keep me on my toes. Most of the time they keep me rolling laughing about some of the smallest things he gets upset with. We are noticing that a lot of his atittude is that we are not understanding what he is saying. The doctor noticed that at his 3 year check up so she wanted us to get his hearing check, which is fine, and also get into speech therapy. We have started paperwork to get him into preschool through our school district. And we also have an amazing sister in our ward that is a speech therapist who has givin us some stuff to work on with him! I think his mind is just moving way to fast for his mouth and his words do not come out like he wants them too! But it is coming.

He loves to play and be outside! If he could live at a park I think he might. I love to watch him interact with his sister, and help her even if it is not needed. This does not always make her happy but it's the thought that counts, right? Can't help but love my cute boy.

Camilla is such a funny little girl! She is not nearly as friendly as Brody, it takes her awhile to get close to someone. But she will at her own time get to know you. She is my screamer, she loves to let people know that she is upset, happy, mad or laughing. She loves to scream especially if Brody is or is not doing something to bother her. She is a tiny little girl, she is only in the tenth percentile for her weight. She really does not like to eat anything healthy. But we are working on that. I don't think I could say one thing that I know she will eat, it changes from day to day. She is healthy that is all that I care about.

She is all girl she loves her dolls and stuffed animals. She is always hugging them and pushing them in her dolly stroller. She does not like to have things stuck to her hands or being dirty. So she is always coming to me with her hands held out wanting me to wipe them off. The only thing that is not so girly is she is a climber!!!! She loves to climb anything, she is getting so brave and is not afraid to climb! This scares me so much, not sure I like this, but guess I have to make due. I just love her.


Christian and Jennifer said...

It was fun to run into you in Safeway the other day! I'm sorry we were in such a hurry. (What should have been an 8 hour drive to our new home in Kansas City that day took 12 with the required number of potty stops for our hoodlum kids. Longest day EVER.) Great to see pics of your cute little family.

Jim, Becky, and Kids said...

TR day camp is so fun (and exhausting)! That's awesome that you hooked up with them!