Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Brody and Camilla

I have had a lot people ask how Brody is with his little sister. He really does love her. He gets so excited when he sees her. He'll start saying "Milla" and run up to her and rub her head. It is really cute. He loves it when she kisses him. He just laughs and screams with joy and wants her to do it again. There is only one time that he really gets frustrated with her. It happens to be when he is watching one of his morning shows and she begins to cry and he can't hear his show. He will look at her and give his death look then find the remote control and hand it to me and look at me like I know what I should do. I really have to just laugh...

Here he is rubbing her head. And she loves it...

He even gave her his beloved dog and wanted him to kiss her too.

Sorry about the pictures, they are from my cell phone. Not the best of pictures.

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