Tuesday, May 13, 2008

No Baby Yet... Bummer

So we wanted to just let everyone know that there is still no baby yet. Can you tell? We still have a week left, but are really hoping that he will come this weekend. Mike has it planned out that if he comes on Friday he can take 10 days off of work not just 8. This would be because of Memorial Day. I would just like to hold him in my arms, and not just my belly!!!

The last couple of weeks have been pretty stressful. I ended up in the hospital because I found out that I have gallstones. And there is nothing I can do until after the baby is delivered. So there are many sleepless nights that I have to put up with the pain of passing the stones. I hear that this pain is much worse than laber, so I should be set. Right? Labor should come easy... I hope that is true, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Mike has been great, trying to take care of me and keep me as comfortable as possible as I am going through what we like to call an attack or an episode.

Mike has started his summer session of classes, and he is pretty excited about the classes he is taking. They are having him d0 lots of work, but he is grateful for the chance to be learning. He really thinks he will enjoy how these teachers are going to teach the classes, even with them just being online classes.

So that is our life right now, just doing the waiting game until our sweet baby boy comes.


The Lee Clan said...

I hope that he comes soon for your sake. I can't imagine pain worse than labor. So where was the picture taken at? Love Alyssa

Laverna said...

Well, according to Trish's blog, you've had your little boy! He looks like such a sweet little thing.