Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Here we GOOOO!!!

I guess everyone has noticed that I don't post very faithfully. So I guess I have to catch up on everything... This is going to be a crazy long post, I will try to get everything in. I'll make a list of some of the things that I can remember!

1. Christmas:
We had a casual Christmas together with nothing to crazy going on. I do enjoy those kinds of Holidays. Our kids loved getting bikes and really that probably should have been the only thing they got, because everything else did not even matter.

I am just so happy the my children are still young and they are not demanding everything under the sun. I can have fun choosing what I think they would like. It really is a selfish thing!!! I love seeing their faces when they get something new.

I really can't think of anything else to say, this is why I should really get things posted earlier.

2. Cakes:

I for my birthday and Christmas Mike gave me cake decorating classes. Something I have really enjoyed. I have only taken the first class but have enjoyed learning new techniques and just having fun trying everything out.

This was my first cake in the class. I finished this at the class in about an hour. I used a template and traced in on with piping gel and then filled it in with icing to make the design. I still need practice and I'm trying to figure out different opportunities to "practice". 'Cause this means I have to make more cakes, if I don't give them away that would be bad. I love cake way to much. I will have more pictures of cakes that I have made later on. I love cake, and have fun decorating. Mike also enjoys helping and giving ideas of what I can do. It's a family affair... We have fun!!!

3. New Years:

This past New Years we were able to go to Missouri for the baptism of Maddie, Miles' oldest daughter. It was great to go out there. Mike and the kids had never met Miles' family. We all had a blast getting to know everyone. We were also able to visit with my Uncle David, my dads brother, and his children. I have not seen them for a long time, it was great to catch up.

We were able to visit some of the church history sites. We had so much fun with the family. At the visiter center there was a little play area my kids loved it.

We had fun at the Independence Visitor Center. Here the kids were able to play and learn about living in the pioneer times. Brody really love the Sister Missionaries. He would go and grab their hands and want them to just walk with him. It was pretty cute, I think at one time he even said he loved them. He is way to young to start falling in love with missionaries. This is also were Camilla realized that she really dislikes being confined to a stroller if there are a lot of people (family) walking and running around her. So Miles and Tam let us borrow a monkey backpack with a strap for us to hold on to. This was the first time I put a leash on any of my kids and well it worked. I was one of those people that thought she would NEVER put my child on a leash, so inhumane. But it worked and it was better than her screaming because she wanted to go and be like everyone else. We now own our own monkey leash. Thanks you Miles and Tam for helping me see the light! Don't judge me, LOL! I digress... I do love to visit anything that has to do with church history.
We were also able to go out to Liberty Jail this was a spiritual site. They work to invite the spirit as much as possible and it works.
Across the street from the Independence Visitor Center the RLDS (now the Community of Christ) Temple, very interesting design. It was closed the day we went to visit so we could not go in but it was interesting to see the outside. We also got to see the new Kansas City Temple still with construction going on, not much because the open house is in April, I believe.

The real reason for going was Maddie. We are so happy that she made the choice to be baptized!!! We love you!

4. Superbowl:

We went to a the Rhodes one of our friends to eat and watch the Superbowl. If anyone knows Mike and I we are not that interested in watching the silly football game. But we went just to be in good company. The have a son Brody's age and they are best friends, the best thing is they are so much a like. They get a long so well, I love watching them play together. Brody says they are best friends. I love it!!! I did have fun watching the game and the commercials. We also had great food. I and Mike provided dessert here it is! Well that's it folks. I think that's it.

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