Wednesday, February 20, 2008

"us" the beginning

Well Mike and I met at the Salt Lake Institute Concert Choir (the best choir ever). We just added to the numbers of what some might call a choir casualty. I at the time was the women’s president and was just trying to make sure everything that I needed to do was accomplished, and Mike was one of the many very important voices in the choir.

It all began one night the choir was having a social very close to Halloween, it was a night filled with fun and getting to know people and Mike and I started the getting to know you phase. Fun stuff!!!! A little side note Mike really started to notice me because I was being my darn cute self and just being a big flirt. This did help give Mike a little nudge to really get to know me. I knew him as one of the choir members and really that was it, I actually thought he was much younger than he truly was.

We from that point kind of became inseparable. We just loved spending time together and had a lot of the same interest. One thing I loved about him was that he loved to take long rides in the mountains that just did it for me. Who could not be at peace in the beauty of the Lords creation and with a hot guy like Mike?

And that was the beginning of “us”.

1 comment:

triciab said...

Oh you guys are too cute! And I want credit for the Halloween party....hee hee!